Friday, 30 October 2009

November starting with a bang

Lots of wind and waves, Sunday onwards.

Looks like my run of sailing Bigbury is set to continue. Daymer could be good too.

Hopefully I can take some time off work monday or tuesday.



  1. Hay Giles, Im working on a blasted bathroom all this week. I am however going to get out at Exmouth Tuesday at 2:30, see you there if you are out. Anyone want to check out a my Kode or even a Twinzer give me a shout!

  2. I couldn't escape work yesterday. Not sure if I can today either. Grr.

    Saturday top tip is for either Bigbury or Minehead - at the moment, anyway.

    Bigbury last Sunday was the best waveriding I've had in a year, maybe even years.
    Lots of twin fins and quads around - there really is a noticeable improvement in everyone's sailing standard with these multifins.
